Lauren & Sam

It’s not all caviar and baby wipes, mate


Lauren is in the middle of practice exams for her SATs (which I recently learned officially doesn’t stand for anything any more). She’s keenly aware of what she needs to get to be a particular level, to the extent that in her level 6 maths she both knew and achieved the exact score necessary to count as level 6. In case that sounds like coasting, 11 year olds are expected to be level 4, level 6 is for 14 year olds.

She’s also been made peer monitor, which means she has to help organize assemblies (and they really do; the teachers basically sit by and watch what happens). And to round out the maturity kick she just finished reading Animal Farm, though to be honest I think she missed out on some of the Stalinist subtext.

By contrast Sam is in a quiet period at school – no tests, no milestones to hit – but we’re pleased that he’s picked up his effort to the extent that we’re now very definitely on his side rather than the teachers’ when they make comments about what he’s doing. We’re certainly not thinking ‘problem solved’, but ‘problem contained’ is fair, and should give him a chance to remind everyone just how sharp he is.