Lauren & Sam

It’s not all caviar and baby wipes, mate


Our time in Wisconsin went well, though it was Lauren’s turn to be ill (the rest of us having had a nasty cold at various points), so she didn’t actually make it into the water. Now admittedly that does remove 98% of the point of being in The Dells, but hey-ho.

Highlights from Chicago included the Ish aquarium (so-called because during our last visit, when Lauren was around 14 months old, she pointed at every sea creature we saw and said “Ish!”. All 35,000 of them.), managing to avoid a humungous cloud burst by seconds, and topping off with as much junk food as we could.

The flight back was uneventful. And we’ve coped pretty well with jet lag. Well, the kids have with their advanced sleeping skills, while Claire and I are disrupted but surviving.