School Report
We had a couple of parent-teacher meetings over the last fortnight. Both kids are doing very well, although for Lauren it was more of a quick hello than a review, so we’ll find out more next time. Sam has settled in to his new class fine. He’s in the top 3 in the class, which means that like Lauren he’s on the ‘gifted’ register (and as with Lauren’s, Sam’s teacher doesn’t really like this idea, particularly at such an early age). We’re not telling him about it, partly because we agree it doesn’t mean much, and also so that his already sizeable head doesn’t grow even bigger. He is apparently rather quiet in class, and doesn’t volunteer too much either in person or academically – if asked to write 4 lines for a story he’ll write the 4 shortest lines he can come up with. But if pushed a little he can do whatever’s asked. This might sound familiar to my mother, though the year in hospital that cured my tendency in this regard isn’t part of our plan for Sam.