Badger and Tom
Sam and I took the dog for a walk down to the beach last night. He hopped onto the wide wall that runs along the promenade, bringing him close to my head height, and we chatted as we walked. He told me about a book they’d read at school, which I think is called Badger’s Parting Gifts. Sam explained that it’s a story about a badger that dies, and all his friends are sad because he’s gone. At the same time, however, they are happy as they remember all the ways Badger had helped them. Sam went into some detail about the problems that Rabbit, Frog and all had, and the ways that Badger helped each of them. Once he’d finished he told me that it made him sad, but also it was kind of good for him; he could remember uncle Tom the same way, like when he would chase Sam and Lauren round the house, and feel happy.
He got a hug once he’d finished the story, though in truth that was more for my benefit than his.