Lauren & Sam

It’s not all caviar and baby wipes, mate


Lauren had a day at the high school learning about maths with other kids from the area. I think they took the 3 brightest kids from each class in the two junior schools, so 24 kids in all, and did some fun exercises to encourage their interest. That’s something of a trick; Lauren is pretty good at maths, but I’m not sure she’s that inspired by it, and certainly not to the extent she is by reading. She seemed to have a good time, though, and brought home a couple of gifts/prizes, which is generally enough to motivate her.

Interestingly (there’s a word to terrify) the majority of girls who are good at maths are very bright generally, and just happen to have focussed on maths. In contrast most of the boys who excel at maths are specifically gifted, and are often much less able at other subjects. I read that somewhere.