Lauren & Sam

It’s not all caviar and baby wipes, mate

Summer Update

Looks like I’ve fallen behind, so here’s a bit of a round-up.

End of year reports for Lauren and Sam were great, and both were complimented on their effort as well as their achievement, which is heartening. Pleasingly the area where Lauren’s effort slipped most (though still hardly at all) was in RE, which I consider a positive. Sam moves up to Junior school with Lauren tomorrow.

We’ve survived the summer holidays without major fires, thanks to grandparents and some overlapping holiday scheduling. Our last week was spent in Parwich, where amongst other things we visited Alton Towers twice, almost died of heat exhaustion on the Roaches, and buried my Mum’s ashes. It’s good to mix things up a little, I think.

Sam’s decided he wants to learn the drums, to go with Lauren’s flute and Claire’s soon-to-arrive clarinet.

Our cousins have been breeding – Kate and Pete now have George, and Jayne and Spence just delivered Charlotte.

That’s it for now, I’ll remember more shortly of course…