Lots going on at the moment. We’ve moved into our new home, which I think we’re all inordinately pleased with. Actually scratch that; it’s a great house, so we’re all ordinately pleased. One side-effect of the move is new furniture, starting with an Americanesque fridge freezer (ice on tap!) and high beds for the kids (you know, the ones you wish you’d had when you were a kid).
I attended parent-teacher conferences for both yesterday, which went well; the general opinion was that the teachers would be very happy with a classroom of Laurens and Sams. On the way back Sam explained the work they were doing on creation myths, so I spent some time explaining the difference between beliefs (to which all are entitled) and facts. I sense a teacher working a little too hard to be inclusive…
Finally in cute news the girls went to a Brownie function last night where they snagged some glow sticks. We went into Sam’s room once he’d gone to sleep to find him hugging the stick to his face, giving him an eerie blue glow that was presumably reassuring to him. Lauren told us earlier that glow sticks can be ‘recharged’ by freezing them until you can crack them again. I’m not sure their chemistry works like that, except in playground discussions.