Lauren & Sam

It’s not all caviar and baby wipes, mate

Hi Jayne!

My cousin is complaining that I’m slacking on the blog, so herewith, one update.

We went to school a couple of weeks ago for parents’ night. As always it was rather awkward – the teachers say how great the kids are, we thank them, and then we all look uncomfortable while we work out if we’ve sat there long enough for appearances’ sake.

Sam had to have a couple of teeth removed (either side of the front ones) to make room for more in his elfin-like jaw. He was apprehensive about it, understandably, but it turned out the dentist had some spare time after sorting out Lauren’s, so they were whipped out there and all was good.

We went for our first full-family bike ride today (at least the first where I wasn’t pulling Sam along). Everyone did fine, except for the bit where Sam hit the floor. He’s been limping somewhat theatrically for the rest of the day, except when he forgot to of course.

Yesterday we went to an open day at the National Oceanography Center in Southampton. Parts were rather dry, but overall the kids quite enjoyed it. Part of the incentive was a ride out in our new car (yay!).

Finally, we’ve ramped up the number of clubs quite substantially, so they’re both doing drama and music, while Sam is doing gym and Lauren’s in orchestra. All seems enjoyable thus far, so we’ll see what sticks.