Lauren & Sam

It’s not all caviar and baby wipes, mate


Had another routine meeting with the kid’s teachers today. Lauren’s was as sparkling as ever, with one of her teachers admitting she’d like Lauren to stay on for another year just to help run the class. Sam’s was more mixed; his teachers were clear that he’s as talented as Lauren, but he’s content to coast by rather than stretching himself. We knew this a little already, and to some extent it’s typical of boys compared to girls, but the teachers think that Sam is outside of the norm. (They also seemed to think that we should know about this, missing the fact that we’re not in the classroom to see these things).

We’re still plotting what to do about this. We already know that he needs to start growing up, which should help, but it’s difficult to impose maturity on someone in a positive way. We’ll see what we come up with.