Lauren & Sam

It’s not all caviar and baby wipes, mate


Sam went to the Titanic Museum this weekend with Scouts.  They were gathering inspiration for a model they can each build as part of a crafts badge.  I asked Sam what he had in mind, as we need to get the necessary materials for Thursday’s session.  I already had in mind that he could carve something, perhaps a life boat, out of a bar of soap.  He had a better idea, which was to use a mound of clay to make a model of the iceberg.

I’m guessing you’ve already spotted the flaw, or possible the brilliance, in this; a mound of clay already is a model of an iceberg.  When I suggested that a bar of soap would do (i.e. from my point of view it’s cheaper than that much clay) he pointed out that with clay, if you go wrong you can just put the clay back, which is probably not true of soap.  I had to concede that point, while wondering how somebody would know you’d gone wrong carving an iceberg out of a bar of soap.

We’re currently working on a recipe for home-made clay (there’s the cheap thing again), while pushing him to something just a little more ‘involved’ than an iceberg.